To the online vocational training platform of training centers established in cooperation with KOICA in Uzbekistan

Registon maydoni
Samarqand markazi
Oqsaroy memoriy yodgorligi



The pandemic situation in the world and limited access to education, has led us to take a different approach to get education through the online. This situation has affected our country as well as all educational institutions have started the transition to distance learning.

This educational platform is the only Online Learning Platform for vocational training centers jointly established by the Republic of Uzbekistan and KOICA. This Online Learning Platform had developed with the help of a KOICA grant in cooperation with vocational training centers in Samarkand and Shakhrisabz.

Total 11 specialists from Samarkand and Shakhrisabz vocational training centers were involved in the development of the Online Learning Platform.

To Platform users:

Users will be able to track information located on the Online Learning Platform. Platform is flexible for all devices. Monitoring activities of teachers and students. Users are able to use teachers teaching materials. Online chat between teachers and students. Check homework and send assignments to students like learning texts and video classes. Possibility of uploading different types of information. Opportunity to take additional courses. Opportunity of certification of the students. Platform allows explaining topics in more depth to students from distance

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